Invitation to Explore the Sun, Earth, and Moon
Have you ever noticed how many children’s books have the moon playing a central role? So many! The fact caught my attention when Rémy would excitedly point out the moon in every other read aloud. His favorite of the moon books so far is a German book called Der Kleine Mondbär. It’s about a bear who lassos the moon because it’s his best friend. I love it.
Rémy’s fascination with the moon has gone beyond books, with him eagerly running for the door each night to go take a look at the moon. So I thought that I would create a little invitation around the Moon, Earth, and Sun.
I painted the three celestial bodies inside the openings of his first Montessori puzzle. The three different size circles are perfect for the project. He had lost interest in this particular puzzle long ago, so this breathes new life into a forgotten toy.
Along with the puzzle, I put out our old globe. He enjoys spinning it, and we’ve been talking about where our home is, where Papa is from, and where he can find some of his favorite animals.
I also checked out three books from the Our Universe series by Stacy McAnulty and Stevie Lewis. We have Sun! One in a Billion, Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years, and Moon! Earth’s Best Friend. The writing is extremely clever, and walks the line between informative and lighthearted fun very well.
With everything out, Remy has started making connections between the books and the puzzles and the globe. And as I watch, I’m picturing more space invitations in our future.